Free Psychological Warfare and the New World Order The Secret War Against the American People
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Book Details :
Published on: 2016-03-09
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Original language: English
America is at war. But this not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields —at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies in a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany. Though important, however, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a psychological war —a PSYWAR. If an unfriendly foreign power had carried out against the American people the actions carried out by Wall Street bankers, Oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations entrenched at the Council on Foreign Relations and its parasite organizations, we might well have considered it an act of war. Unfortunately, most Americans ignore that they are under attack. The reason is because, like Ninja assassins, the main weapon used by the conspirators who have managed to infiltrate and take control of the U.S. Government and most of American life has been their invisibility. For almost a century, these small group of conspirators have been waging a quiet, non-declared war of attrition against the American people, and it seems that they are now ready for the final, decisive battle. Unfortunately, as the last two presidential elections showed, the brainwashed American people reacted by changing the puppets, leaving the puppet masters untouched and in control. In this book Servando Gonzalez studies in detail the origins of the conspiracy, who the conspirators are, the main elements of this PSYWAR and, what’s more important, how we can fight back and win FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA we are a patriot organization that believes in upholding..... the united states constitution.this is ... Sex and Propaganda - PSYOP PSYOPS PSYWAR Psychological ... Sex and Psychological Operations. by: Herbert A. Friedman. Warning! These historical wartime images are sexually explicit. This is a military reference site for ... Psychological Manipulation - Psychological Manipulation. Psychological Manipulation and Induced Psychological Illness As indicated on the home page psychological harassment and psychological ... Psychological warfare - Wikipedia Psychological warfare (PSYWAR) or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PSYOP) have been known by many other names or terms including MISO Psy Ops ... Vietnam Order of Battle for Psychological Operations PSYOP ORDER OF BATTLE FOR VIETNAM . SGM Herbert A. Friedman (Ret.) Note: Images from this article were used with permission in a documentary film for the German ... 911 New World Order Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom: Emeritus Professor of Geography California State University . Here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead nor ... X-WARS SECRET WARFARE: GWEN Towers The New HAARP ... X-WARS SECRET WARFARE: GWEN Towers The New HAARP Anything HAARP Can Do GWEN Can Do Better! GWEN Can Do Everything Better Than HAARP! Illuminati News: Wars Towards a New World Order England Contrived US WWII Intervention - The Illuminati campaign to frog march the USA into World War Two was handled by "British Security Coordination" (BSE) part ... Small Wars Journal Journal Articles are typically longer works with more more analysis than the news and short commentary in the SWJ Blog. We accept contributed content from serious ... Chemical weapons in World War I - Wikipedia The most widely reported and perhaps the most effective gas of the First World War was mustard gas. It was a vesicant that was introduced by Germany in July 1917 ...
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